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Butterfly Haven 1kg Farewell Cake

Butterfly Haven 1kg Farewell Cake

Regular price Rs. 2,000.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 2,000.00
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As we bid farewell to our dear colleague, let's send them off with a sweet gesture that's as lovely as they are. Presenting a one kg pineapple lavender butterfly theme cake adorned with golden faux balls, this delicious treat is a symbol of our appreciation for all the wonderful memories we've shared together.

As they embark on their next journey, may they be surrounded by happiness and success, just like the vibrant butterflies adorning this cake. Wishing them all the best in their future endeavors!

#FarewellCake #ColleagueSendoff #PineappleLavenderCake #ButterflyTheme #GoldenBalls #SweetGoodbye #BestWishes

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