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Lego Theme 4kg Cake

Lego Theme 4kg Cake

Regular price Rs. 6,000.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 6,000.00
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Celebrate Anuraj's 5th birthday in vibrant Lego style with a magnificent 4kg, two-tier pineapple cake adorned with intricate fondant Lego bricks all over! This delightful confection is a masterpiece, combining the sweetness of pineapple with the playful essence of Lego. Each tier is meticulously crafted, reflecting Anuraj's love for creativity and building blocks. The bright colors and meticulous details of the fondant Lego decorations make this cake a standout centerpiece for the celebration. As Anuraj blows out the candles, surrounded by friends and family, the joy and excitement are palpable.

#Anurajs5thBirthday #LegoThemeParty #PineappleCake #FondantLego #CreativeCakes #BirthdayCelebration #BuildingMemories #PartyTime #KidsBirthday #CakeArtistry

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