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Unicorn Charm 3kg Cake

Unicorn Charm 3kg Cake

Regular price Rs. 4,200.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 4,200.00
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Kishu’s 1st Birthday: Delight in a 3kg Strawberry Unicorn Cake

Make Kishu’s 1st birthday magical with a 3kg strawberry-flavored unicorn cake from Cakestry15! Featuring a fondant unicorn sleeping at the base, another on the first tier, and one riding in an air balloon on top, this cake is adorned with a fondant rainbow and charming coral elements. It’s a dreamy, bespoke creation that adds enchantment and joy to Kishu’s special day.

#Cakestry15 #Noida #UnicornBirthday #1stBirthday #StrawberryFlavor #DreamyCake #MagicalCreation #CakeArtistry #CoralElements #RainbowMagic

Celebrate Kishu’s special day with our enchanting unicorn cake—order now and make his first birthday truly unforgettable! 🎉🎂

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