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Princess Doll Butterfly 5kg Cake

Princess Doll Butterfly 5kg Cake

Regular price Rs. 6,500.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 6,500.00
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Siddhhangana's First Birthday Cake: A 5kg Chocolate Wonderland with Rainbows, Cats, and More

Celebrate Siddhhangana's first birthday with a delightful 5kg, 2-tier chocolate cake that captures the essence of joy and wonder. This charming cake features a fondant girl sitting atop, surrounded by a vibrant fondant rainbow that arches over the tiers. Adorned with playful butterflies, colorful balloons, and two adorable fondant cats, the cake is a dream come true. Faux balls (non edible) add a touch of sparkle, making this cake a stunning centerpiece for a memorable first birthday celebration.

#FirstBirthdayCake #SiddhhanganaTurnsOne #ChocolateCakeMagic #RainbowCake #FondantGirl #BirthdayCats #ButterflyCake #BalloonCake #2TierCake #CelebrationCake

Order Siddhhangana’s enchanting birthday cake today and make her first birthday an unforgettable celebration filled with sweetness and joy!

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