Rose Bouquet Delight
Rose Bouquet Delight
Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Bouquet-Inspired Chocolate Cake!
Show your love and appreciation with this elegant 1.5kg chocolate cake, designed especially for Mother’s Day. Decorated with soft pink icing and a beautiful arrangement of pink roses on top, this cake is a sweet, edible bouquet that captures the essence of a heartfelt celebration. Perfect for making mom feel cherished and adored, this chocolate delight combines beauty and flavor in every slice.
#MothersDayCake #ChocolateBouquetCake #CelebrateMom #PinkRoseCake #CakeForMom #MotherlyLove #EdibleBouquet #SweetCelebration #MomAppreciation #OrderNow
Order this beautiful bouquet-inspired cake today and make Mother’s Day unforgettable with a sweet surprise!
For any modifications in colour & size of the cake please connect on 9717955175, you can whatsapp your designs too for customisations.
For Return Gifts
For Return Gifts
Please connect with the bakery for return gifts as they are customised according to the client needs.
Delivery Info
Delivery Info
*All the cakes are eggless & freshly baked.
*For designer/theme based cakes the orders have to be placed 2 days prior as some designs take a longer time for preparation.Some designs which are simpler in preparation can be delivered the same day but the orders have to be placed till 12 pm.
*All theme based cakes are delivered by car so the deliveries are chargeable according to the distance.